Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This past week in science we have been learninig about the question, What is living? We have been creating different categories which are living, dead, non-living, dormant, and organic to decide how we can seperate different objects by their characteristics of life. Like we would study an item and then analyze it to make a hypothesis about it and its characteristics of life, so we would question/ test our hypothesis.
In class we have also started this activity about a school needing help figuring out what kind of sickness the kids in the school are getting, and spreading to eachother. We have been looking through different things on the schools website to try and make hypothises to test by getting evidence to explore. Like maybe since most of the band students have been sick that maybe the band kids have been spreading their sickness by transmitting it by moulth pieces. And we are hoping to learn more about the spread of the sickness more next week, so that we can help the schools.

*i did it on a piece of paper over the weekend so you said to type it today but it is not late* :)

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